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Myanmar Festivals in June

The weather in June may not support for outdoor activities through the country, even festivals. Only the biggest one – Pakokku Thiho Shin Pagoda Festival takes place in Pakkoku, Central Myanmar.

Pakokku Thiho Shin Pagoda Festival
Time: from 8th Nayon month
Duration: 15 days
Location: Pakokku, central Myanmar
Meaning: This festival is an occasion for farming communities in the Pakokku to come together and celebrate the end of the harvest season.
Pakokku is the old town on the western bank of Ayeyawady River. This is the most important festival of the land. The festival is also occurred with a local market selling local specialties such as fried chili, tobacco, fiber bags. This is also areas growing the best quality of Tanakha, the plant to make traditional skin-protected cosmetic of Burmese people.
Red robed Buddhist monks will collect alms from local people and attendees in the festival. All farmers and merchants will donate portion of their profits to the temple.

3 sacred Buddha statues in Pakoku Thihoshin Pagoda