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Myanmar Festivals in July

In July, it is not an easy task for tourists to soak up the festive atmosphere with lights and music because only several small-scale festivals may be found during the month in Myanmar.

Full Moon Festival Waso

Time: Full moon day in Waso month
Duration: 15 days
Location: Nationwide
Meaning: This festival is held to mark three pivotal points in the life of Siddhartha Gautama on his path to become the Buddha: his conception, leaving his life as prince for that of a wandering ascetic, and his first sermon to his pupils.

Waso month in Myanmar is time beginning the rain season. This is also the beginning of Buddhist Lent. The monks are not allowed to get out of the monastery at night. However, they are still begging for alms during the day despite the rain. Therefore they need more clothes, that is the reason why this month people donate clothes to the monk to use in the rain season.

3 generations of a Myanmar Family in Full Moon Festival Waso.

Waso Chin-Lone Festival

Time: After the full moon day of Waso month
Duration: 48 days
Location: Mahamuni Pagoda, the ancient capital of Mandalay

Waso Chin-Lone Festival (also known as cane ball) held in Mahamuni Pagoda lasted 48 days with the participation of the team come from all regions of the country. The people visit the pagoda and honor the sport. It is said that Burmese people played this game over 1500 years ago. Attending the festival in Myanmar tours, the teams playing cane ball in melodies of traditional Saing-waing orchestra of Myanmar.

Waso Chin-Lone (Cane Ball) Festival in Mahamuni Pagoda Compound, Mandalay.