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The Period of Devastation and Division in Myanmar

By the late 13th century, Kublai Khan, the Mongol invaders dominated Burma, the city of Pagan looted and then abandoned, only remaining the temples of Buddhist monasteries. Although the Mongol army withdrew shortly after looting Pagan, Pagan Dynasty collapsed completely, leading the country to enter a period separated for nearly 300 years.

The soldiers set the first step in Ava Kingdom.

During this prolonged division, Myanmar history witnessed a series of countries of Myanmar: the Rakhine, Shan and Shan-Burmese people, the Mon was established. These countries engulfed in conflicts. Two of the most powerful nations were Hanthawaddy of the Mon and Mrauk U of Rakhine. The Shan-Burmese people established their national and called the Ava Kingdom following the Pagan Kingdom. Mid-16th century, the league of nations Shan sacked Ava and ended the existence of the Ava Kingdom.