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Yangon Weather in June

Yangon weather in June receives no change in comparison to May. The temperature remains constant as the previous month. With the average temperature of 27.35 °C (81.23 °F), it is warm in Yangon throughout June. The highest temperature is expected to reach 30.2 °C (86.4 °F) and it may drop to 24.5 °C (76.1 °F) at night. The day in June with 13 hours and 02 minutes of daylight is the shortest day, and the longest day is 13 hours and 07 minutes long with an average length of 13 hours 05 minutes.

Yangon is mostly cloudy in June

Yangon weather in June is mostly cloudy. Specifically, it is sunny approximately 19.9% of daylight hours (02 hours and 34 mins) and cloudy 80.1% of daylight hours. There is a great prediction that it will become cloudier as the days go from the start to the end. Weathermen say that the weather in June is truly sodden with rain often (77% of the days in June will receive rainfall). A staggering 547mm (21.5in) of liquid is discharged during on average 23 days.
Although it rains heavily during this month, Yangon weather in June is much cooler than other previous months. If you plan to enjoy your day trips from Yangon at that time, don’t forget to be a long a comfortable pair of the show to protect your feet from getting soaked.