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Yangon Weather in April

Yangon weather in April received constant temperatures with daily highs of not more than 37°C. The temperature is expected to exceed 39°C and the lowest high might not lower than32°C. It can be hot in afternoons while average high temperatures can reach, 37 °C (98.6 °F). However, it is warm at night due to an average low temperature of 24.3 °C (75.7 °F).
April witnesses the constancy in the length of daylight. The shortest days are as low in the number of hours 12 hours and 16 minutes, while the longest day is 12 hours and 42 minutes long with an average length of 12 hours and 29 minutes.

Yangon Weather experiences the significant change in April

Unlike the weather in March with the fairly clear sky, the sky is partly cloudy in April. It is sunny approximately 76.1% of daylight hours and cloudy 23.9% of daylight hours. The sky becomes increasingly cloudier toward the end of this month. It is estimated that 40% of days during this month will experience rainfall. There is also a variation of dew point throughout the month with the lowest dew days being characterized by about 19°C of dew (muggy) and the highest being on 26°C (Oppressive).

Due to the hot weather, get your body applied with sunscreen before going out is highly recommended. Moreover, the weather is good at every corner of Myanmar, and the number of visitors coming to this country remains high, therefore, booking Yangon tour packages earlier as possible is advisable.