Bird Watching in Myanmar

Moeyingyi Wetland Bird Sanctuary

Be endowed with a wide variety of birds from numerous endemic, endangered birds to many other specialty ones, Myanmar would offer tourists a newly exciting type of trip - bird watching. There are over 350 species of birds in Myanmar and more of the migratory ones. For the diversity of birdlife and adventure of birding remain unspoiled, one day or even longer trips for bird watching are available. Here are some destinations for those events.

Hlawga Wildlife Park and Moeyingyi Wetland Bird Sanctuary is the ideal place for one-day trip bird watching from Yangon. Hlawga is known to have over 160 bird species and Moeyingyi to have over 120 species.

Bird watching in Myanmar
Bird watching in Myanmar

For longer trips, Nat Ma Taung or Mount Vitoria National Park, Hponkan Razi Wildlife Sanctuary, Inle Wetland Bird Sanctuary, Shwesettaw Wildlife Sanctuary, and Popa Mountain Park are highly recommended.
In Na Ma Taung National Park has about 280 species of birds and one special thing is that White-browed Nuthatch can only be found in this region. Inle Wetland Bird Sanctuary is in a valley and surrounded by mountains. Ferruginous Pochard, Spot-billed Duck, Garganey, Pheasant-tailed Jacana, Black-winged Stilt, Black-tailed Crake, Sandpipers, Sooty-headed Bulbul, and Jerdon's Bushchat would be highlighted in this wetland, where over 160 species inhabit. Shwesettaw Wildlife Sanctuary consists of over 40 species of Birds: White-rumped Falcon, Collared Falconet, Hooded Treepie, Streak-throated Woodpecker, Asian Paradise Flycatcher, White-throated Babbler, to name but a few. More than 160 species of Birds are present at Popa Mountain Park.

Moeyingyi Wetland Bird Sanctuary
Moeyingyi Wetland Bird Sanctuary

For all the trips, it is advisable to contact and inform about the days could be spent on your tour operator for a well-planned trip. If you are interested in bird watching, contact us and our local travel expert will help you to plan your best Myanmar tours.

2 thoughts on “Bird Watching in Myanmar

  1. Christina O'Quinn says:

    I am interested in a 3-4 day birding tour. I live in Yangon. I would be happy to start out close to Yangon, then move on to other sites. My budget is about $700. I would like an English speaking guide. I am a single person but I can join a group. What can you do for me?

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