Yangon Weather in September

Yangon Weather in December

Yangon weather in September sees a significant change as the rainfall is expected to subdue and the temperature tends to drop. During this month, the average temperature in Yangon is at 27.3 °C (81.14 °F). The highest temperature can reach 32°C in the afternoons or experiencing a drop to 22°C during the night time in the range of 10 selected days.

Yangon Weather in December
The rainfall and temperature in Yangon is expected to drop in December

Daylight intervals in this month are short because the longest day is only 3 minutes longer than the shortest day. In December, the mostly clear sky turns back to Yangon, but clouds are expected to fade away as the month come to the end.

It is good to know that there will be some days of the month experiencing the rainfall. The observed precipitation is 14% - with at least 10% of the onset being experienced at the dawn of this month and the 4% (offset) being at the end of the month. The most popular sort of rain at this time is drizzling. However, there is a great expectation that Yangon will receive thunderstorms at the onset and moderate rains in the middle of the month.
Yangon enjoys more favorable weather conditions in September so this time is good to enjoy day trips from Yangon. However, you should bring along a suitable pair of shoes in order to avoid being soaked.