Yangon Weather in October

Yangon Weather in October

In October, Yangon weather pertains to gradually increasing levels of temperatures. The city enjoys warm weather as the average temperature is at 27.85 °C (82.13 °F). Maximum highs throughout the month are 32°C; sometimes they could exceed 34°C or seduce to 29°C in one among ten selected days. It is notable that the shortest day is 11 hours 30 minutes long and the longest day is 11 hours and 57 minutes long with an average length of 11:43.

Yangon Weather in October
October marks the end of the rainy season and starts the tourist season in Yangon, Myanmar

At this time, the sky is fine with a detectable 6 hours 32 minutes of daily blazing sunlight. The clouds will fade away as the days go from the beginning to the end of the month.
Notably, there is a prediction that 73% of October’s days will receive some sorts of rain like thunderstorms, moderate and light rains. The air becomes drier towards the end of the month as relative humidity drops to degrees better referred to as mildly humid air turns.

The weather becomes more favorable for travelers to explore Myanmar’s former city. The number of visitors coming to this city may increase, so you should highly consider booking Yangon tour package as soon as possible to get the best accommodations at an affordable price.